Our tax teams can help expatriates and their employers deal with Puerto Rico's tax matters.

Expatriates taking up employment here are subject to Puerto Rico's comprehensive tax rules. Employees who are required to live away from their usual place of residence are also entitled to various benefits. Appropriate structuring of such benefits as part of the compensation package can result in significant tax savings. We can assist expatriates and their employers in identifying tax planning opportunities, eviewing tax equalization policies and providing compliance services regarding Puerto Rican tax filing requirements. Likewise, if you are a Puerto Rican traveling abroad, we can assist with advice on expat tax requirements in your destination country, via Grant Thornton's extensive international network.

Across our member firms, we can provide practical support in the following areas:

  • Moving costs
  • Compliance and corporate governance
  • Payroll services
  • The legal environment
  • Technology.

Expatriate tax e-book

If you would like an overview of various tax systems around the world, view our expatriate tax e-book.

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about how we can help, check your local Grant Thornton member firm’s website and contact details.