Helping clients mitigate corporate level risk and opportunity

We work with our clients to assess their corporate level risk, identify areas of greatest risk and develop appropriate work plans and audit programs to mitigate these risks. Our internal audit services, including co-sourced and outsourced internal audit and effectiveness reviews, provide you with independent, objective support in the design, implementation and operating effectiveness of controls such as:

  • Outsourcing and co-sourcing services
  • Establishing an internal audit function
  • Strategic performance review of internal audit
  • Comprehensive business risk assessments
  • Best practices reviews of internal audit
  • Internal audit staff recruiting
  • Internal audit training
  • Audit committee advisory
  • Loaning staff to clients
  • Quality assurance reviews of internal audit departments
  • Reporting on internal controls
  • Agreed-upon procedures
  • IT audit services
Internal Audit

Audit Committee Spotlight