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Víctor Monserrate
Puerto Rico
Managing Director - Audit

Víctor Monserrate

Víctor is an audit managing director with over twenty-eight years of experience in public accounting.

Víctor worked for over 27 years at local and international public accounting firms as a Manager in the assurance and advisory services practice, where he attained a profound specialization in government, not-for profit, and commercial industries. As part of his experience working in one of the international firms, he managed the Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands central government financial statement and Single Audit engagements. Also, managed consulting and audit engagements in other governmental units.  He has worked as General Internal Auditor in the Government Development Bank of Puerto Rico and is the In Charge Director for the Single Audit of the Puerto Rico Housing Finance Authority, the Puerto Rico Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund, and the Puerto Rico Safe Drinking Water Treatment Revolving Loan Fund Single Audits (GDB affiliates). 

He has provided a wide range of assurance and consulting services, SOX 404, technical accounting pronouncement consulting which includes drafting policies and procedures to assist clients in implementing FASB and GASB statements.


  • Puerto Rico State Society of Certified Public Accountants
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • BBA, major in accounting
  • CPA
Víctor Monserrate
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Víctor Monserrate
Managing Director - Audit
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