Grant Thornton network resilient in the face of global market downturn

15 Dec 2020

Grant Thornton network resilient in the face of global market downturn

Resultados Globales 2020

15 Dec 2020

Resultados Globales 2020

Thinking about selling your business?

14 Oct 2020

These are certainly difficult and uncertain times, and the question of whether this is the right time to exit the business or continue until the pandemic passes, is something many are pondering. A business advisor can help and guide businessowners through this process to weight the best options available, maximize the value of the business and a potential higher return in a transaction.

Importance of Cash Management During Turbulent Times

07 Oct 2020

As COVID-19 continues to spread worldwide, there is growing uncertainty pertaining to cash flows and economic activity. In these uncertain times, cash and liquidity needs are paramount. Consequently, decisions taken when budgeting or overseeing tasks related to cash flows can determine the organization’s future trajectory.

Protecting Your Business Through the Paycheck Protection Program

30 Sep 2020

The CARES Act provided a new program - the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which was focused on encouraging employers to retain employees and maintain salaries during the rest of 2020.

¿Quién puede ser mi dependiente?

07 Jul 2020

Para poder maximizar nuestros beneficios contributivos, veamos las preguntas más comunes sobre dependientes.

Debaten los pros y contras de invertir en Puerto Rico

26 Feb 2020

El debate entre los incentivos que ofrece la isla y las dificultades que presenta como destino para hacer negocios dominaron la agenda de la Puerto Rico ICON Conference, evento dirigido a atraer nueva inversión.

Deliberate market focus drives solid growth for Grant Thornton

14 Jan 2020

Grant Thornton International Ltd today announced global revenues of USD5.72 billion for the financial year ended 30 September 2019, up 5.1% on 2018. This result represents growth of 6.4% in constant currency terms.