Past Event: Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Nuestros expertos en contribuciones, María de los Ángeles Rivera y Francisco Luis, socios, junto a Javier Oyola, director, Omar Mues, gerente senior, Samira Yassin y Madeleine Tubens, gerentes, discutirán el tema "Reforma Contributiva - Ley 52-2022" el martes, 30 de agosto a partir de las 2:00 pm en formato virtual.


Francisco Luis, CPA, Esq.
Partner - Head of Tax

Tax partner with over thirty-one years of experience in public accounting, including the “Big Four” and private consulting practice.

Javier Oyola
Director - Tax

Javier Oyola

Omar Mues
Partner - Tax

Omar is a tax partner with over sixteen years of experience in public accounting, including “Big Four” firms. He has experience in consulting services, general and public accounting, and taxation, with hands-on experience in Puerto Rico tax incentives, private letter rulings and closing agreements, and tax planning and strategies.

Samira Yassin
Manager - Tax

Samira has over six years of experience as a tax consultant. Her experience includes working with the local and federal jurisdiction tax compliance.

Madeleine Tubens
Manager - Tax

Madeleine has over eight years of experience as tax advisor. She has provided tax compliance services to high network individuals, taxable business entities, and exempt organizations.